Sentiment Tag NFTs
The #Hashtag Just Got +Emotional
Revolutionizing The #Hashtag Concept
Our sentiment tag NFTs are similar to #hashtags in that they enable the cross-referencing of content by topic or theme. Yet, what differentiates our tags is that the cross-referenced content is attached to positive and negative sentiments. Furthermore, the tags not only operate as specialized NFTs that add feelings to words, but also yield rewards when people use them across social and online communities. Namely, we refer to the sentiment tag NFTs as +Praisetags (representing positive sentiments) and -Bashtags (representing negative sentiments).
Below is a list of features that help our Sentiment Tag NFTs stand out: 1. Use them in posts to accentuate your thoughts and tag content based on your sentiments. 2. Buy & sell these specialized NFTs like crypto as they rise or fall in value. 3. Branded tags - Tags that may only be claimed by rightful owners of brands, products/services, and high profile names. 4. Earn rewards - Mine the Chayn tokens when you or others use your tags across social. 5. Similar to bitcoin, multiple people may own the same tag. 6. The tags are fractional so anyone may buy pieces of a tag. 7. Tags will have a finite supply which encourages demand and increases the scarcity of the tags.
Example use of a sentiment tag NFT:
"I like the use case of many altcoins, but +bitcoin is still king!"
Connecting People Through Shared Sentiments
Social media has become an integral part of our lives as it offers many benefits to the people who use it. One compelling benefit is connecting with others through shared interests. These connections can be incredibly helpful for networking, finding new friends, and even discovering new business opportunities. However, connecting people through shared interests has its shortcomings. What happens when people share similar interests, but have different sentiments about those interests? It sometimes leads to conversations that are polarizing and contentious.
Alternatively, instead of relying solely on connecting people through shared interests, establishing connections through shared sentiments makes the experience more inviting for users. For instance, people sharing the same sentiments about similar interests engenders conversations that are more fluid, meaningful, and support-driven. Chayn ventures to be the hub that captures these conversations where new friends and relationships are organically discovered via shared sentiments.
Monetizing Sentiments
Words are very powerful and play a fundamental role in shaping our world. Words are also universal as new phrases, slang, acronyms, trends, etc., get used daily. Chayn offers a new way for people to engage words and capture moments. As long as words are used by people, Chayn will have an opportunity to sustain a viable business model that monetizes words.
To begin with, Chayn will offer its sentiment tag NFTs for anyone to purchase. The initial phase will use #hashtag comparables as a key metric to achieve price discovery of the NFTs. As the sentiment tag NFTs gain in popularity, Chayn will include other metrics to help price discovery such as remaining supply of the tag(s), the number of wallets holding the tag(s), volume of use of the tag(s), etc.
HODL or Sell Your Tag NFTs:
Sentiment tag NFT owners may elect to HODL their tags to mine Chayn tokens as the tags get used across social or sell them via the secondary market (Open Sea). Alternatively, the sentiment tag NFT owners may trade their NFTs via the Chayn decentralized exchange (DEX) once it is completed. The tags are also a fun way to concisely express how you feel about a topic.
Claim Branded NFTs:
Tags that are associated with brands, products/services, and high profile names will have an underlying royalty fee attached to them and may be claimed by rightful owners. In doing so, the rightful owners will be eligible to receive a share in profit for each sale of the tag in addition to receiving a percentage of royalty fees whenever the tag is sold by others.
Engage Fans With Branded NFTs
Branded tags also offer the rightful owners a unique way to engage their fans/followers. For example, rightful owners will have the option to offer gated content that is only available for individuals who purchase their tags. Additionally, using branded +praisetags across social affords people the ability to showcase their fandom for their favorite brands, products, and high profile personalities. Conversely, using branded -bashtags gives people the option to express negative sentiments about any subject matter. Either way, the owners of branded tags will gain new insights pertaining to how people feel about them or their products/services in real time.
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