Platform Functionality


Chayn endeavors to maximize the union of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and web 3 to create a space where people freely express themselves and connect with others through shared sentiments.

The platform is built with forward-thinking concepts that feature unique reward systems for users, sentiment oracles, and partners that are unmatched. We are big advocates of community involvement which fuels our mission to empower people; to encourage decentralized thinking, and to nurture a thriving community that not only champions relationship building, but also one where user contributions are properly recognized and remunerated.

Gone are the days where your content, data, likeness, and effort to share your experiences get hoarded by the platform, leaving you with a shallow boost of dopamine at best when others like your posts. Chayn will be designed in a frictionless manner where the user-interface will have the look and feel of traditional, social platforms with the power of web 3 to maximize user rewards for their contributions.

Short-form Video Content

According to Social Media Week, 78% of Internet users watch online videos each week, and 55% enjoy online videos every day. Video has become the number one way that people consume content across social. Video is often the most engaging form of content and is shared more often than any other type of content. Specifically, videos in short form (shorts, reels, bytes) are the fastest growing form of content as we write this whitepaper.

Chayn is a video sharing platform with a focus on short-form video content which we refer to as clips. Users will be able to post videos of 60 seconds or less (clips) and will be able to include sentiment tag NFTs with their posts to accentuate their feelings about the content and to mine Chayn tokens.

NFT Support

The NFT space is growing rapidly and is very synergistic to the web 3 space. Not only will the Chayn platform support sentiment tag NFTs, but will also support NFTs as profile pictures and other forms as the platform progresses. We have some ideas that highlight creators/musicians that will be introduced in later stages of development for the Chayn platform.

Censorship Resistance

Chayn is a big advocate of censorship resistance as it supports maintaining freedom of expression, access to unbiased information, and digital privacy. In order to support these freedoms, Chayn will use distributed storage networks such as IPFS and Arweave to facilitate the data. These peer-to-peer data storage networks allow users to store and share data across the network without the need for a central server.

Freedom of expression is a refreshing component of social, but it also comes with great responsibility. Therefore, Chayn will implement proper measures to ensure hate speech and words that incite violence are not tolerated on the platform.

Community Governance

In order to combat abuse of expression, Chayn will administer the below protocols to help moderate the platform:

  • A general code of conduct and terms of service will be established for the Chayn platform.

  • Penalties as a result of breach of code will also be clearly articulated. There will be a grading system for the penalties as all should not be treated equally.

  • Any user may opt-in to become a moderator. All moderators will be required to review the terms and code of conduct to familiarize themselves with the information and grading system.

  • Moderators will be rewarded in Chayn tokens for their participation.

  • The moderators will also be rewarded based on performance - this will be determined based on the amount of times the moderators' decisions aligned with the final outcome. It helps to keep moderators honest.

Last updated